Rx Alerts

Recent MS Drug Developments Demonstrate Plans Should Obtain Customized Formularies ASAP

16 Feb, 2021 0.

How Long Is Your Plan Willing To Throw Away Thousands of Dollars Per Script For An MS Drug? ____________ Review your Plan’s most expensive therapeutic categories, and it’s virtually certain you’ll find multiple sclerosis drugs among those that are ringing up the largest tab for your Plan, even though it’s estimated that less than 1 million […]

Decreasing Drug Costs – Here’s How We Achieved Them

08 Apr, 2018 0.

We’re thrilled to report yet again that the National Prescription Coverage Coalition has achieved striking savings for our Coalition Members.

Based on year-end analyses, our Coalition Members decreased their prescription coverage costs by approximately 20% to 30%.

Your Plan Can ​Decrease Its  Prescription Coverage Costs (But You Need To Take Action To Do So)

15 Jan, 2018 0.

We’re thrilled to report yet again that the National Prescription Coverage Coalition has achieved striking savings for our Coalition Members.

Based on year-end analyses, our Coalition Members decreased their prescription coverage costs by approximately 20% to 30%.

Striking Savings Are Possible (But Your Plan Needs To Act To Obtain Them)

30 Apr, 2017 0.

We’re thrilled to report that yet another Coalition Member that followed our Coalition’s recommendations and took aggressive steps to control its prescription coverage costs has now achieved a 16% cost decrease.